Micro Heaters

Microheaters“In June of 2010 I moved to a place in Montana with only electric heat. By myself. In the past few winters I had conducted experiments in cutting the amount of energy I needed to stay warm, with a focus on heating myself instead of heating the whole house.”

“I had a lot of motivators here, but the primary motivator was the greenwashing being done around fluorescent light bulbs. My power company sent me literature telling me that I should replace all of my incandescent light bulbs with fluorescent light bulbs to save energy and money. Based on my lighting usage, the most I could possibly save is $5 per year. Yet, with changing my heating habits, I think I have proven that I can save $500 per year.”

Read more: Micro heaters cut 87% off my electric heat bill. Via Treehugger. Previously: Insulation: first the body, then the home.

Solar Heating System with Water Battery

Solar Heating System with Water Battery

Dutch inventor Kees van der Geer sends us this paper and wants to know what we think of it. Comments are open.

“Heating with a sun collector costs nothing and contaminates nothing. In this article I propose a solar heating system consisting of a large solar collector, suitable for the heating of a house and a heat store, capable to bridge a week of cloudy weather. Both are made from simple materials.”

“Maybe a practical solution to make a heat store is to buy a inflatable swimming pool of 17m3 and construct an insulating box around it. ”

Large area solar heating system (pdf), Kees van der Geer, 2011. (Artículo en Español).

You Can’t Live With or Without Them: Clothes

Carl_Larsson_Model_writing_postcards_1906 Winter: Save on heating by insulating your body.
Summer: Save on AC by going naked.

Tigchel heaters and finovens

Tigchel heater

Picture gallery. Previously: Sunbathing in the living room: oven stoves and heat walls.